The Lorain County Democratic Women's Club educates and mobilizes like-minded residents to elect and hold accountable candidates and elected officials who uphold the values of the Democratic Party, including: promoting equality across all heritages and belief systems; ensuring liberty and justice for all citizens; securing affordable healthcare, guaranteeing reproductive rights and combating climate change.

We Believe ...
Local politics creates the foundation for change on a national level.
Every person in this nation should be treated with dignity and respect.
Health care is a right for all.
The hard work of middle class families should be rewarded.
Our schools and streets should be free from gun violence.
A woman’s decisions about her own body are hers to make.
​We are working together to build a bright future for everyone. We are fighting for the soul of our country, for the heart of our democracy and for America’s place as the land of opportunity for all.

The core of our democracy is the right to vote and equal access to the ballot box. The Lorain County Democratic Women's Club is committed to free and fair elections.
Register to Vote!
Are you registered to vote? More importantly, is your information current?
If you or anyone you know has moved, changed their name or turned 18 in the past year, now is a great time to make certain their voter information is up to date.

2025 Election Dates
Primary Election: May 6
General Election: November 4

Join Us!
Whether at a Lorain County Democratic Women's Club Meeting or one of our events, we'd love to meet you!

The Lorain County Democratic Women's
Club meets on the first Tuesday of
each month at 6 p.m.
Locations vary throughout Lorain County.


The LCDW Club believes in democracy and that every voice and every vote counts. However, if recent elections have taught us anything, it is that it takes ALL of us to protect democracy.
Whether it's a fundraising event, canvassing, letter/postcard writing, phone calling or more,
we have a place for you.
Our work is just beginning!

Contact Us
Get in touch with the Lorain County Democratic Women's Club to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
You can also make a donation at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/lorain-county-democratic-women-s-club-1
LCDW Club - PO Box 309 - Lorain, OH 44052